
Showing Stats For All Records

Top Artists

1 Led Zeppelin 12
2 Abba 8
3 Blue Oyster Cult 8
4 My Chemical Romance 8
5 Talking Heads 6
6 The Beatles 6
7 David Bowie 5
8 Glenn Miller 5
9 The Beach Boys 5
10 Elton John 4

Top Genres

1 Disco 1
2 New Wave 1
3 Pop 1
4 Post-punk 1
5 Story 1
6 Synth-pop 1

Top Labels

1 Pri Records 1
2 Wonderland Records 1

Top Years

1 1985 17
2 1984 16
3 1992 16
4 1990 14
5 1977 12
6 1982 12
7 1988 12
8 1999 11
9 1973 10
10 1981 10