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Record Details

Artist: Jefferson Starship
Title: Gold
Format: 12" Single
Label: Grunt (3)
Cat No: BZL1-3247
Released: 1979
Genres: AORPop Rock
Status Have
Added To List 24th March 2023
Disc 1 | 12" Single
Indianapolis Pressing 
A Matrix:
B Matrix:

Additional Information

Comments [l406973] pressing denoted by "I" stamp in runouts.

Gatefold cover with gold inner sleeves. The gold artwork and lettering on front cover is embossed.

℗ 1974, 1975, 1976 [l37780]
© 1971, 1979 [l37780]
Manufactured and Distributed by [l29656], New York, New York
Printed in U.S.A.

Thanks to: Bob Summer, Mel Ilberman, Joan Deary, Ken Glancy, Michael Abramson, Jack Chudnoff, Don Burkhimer. Grelun Landon, Herb Helman. Mort Weiner, Frank Molino, Dick Carter, Bill Graham, Joshua Blardo, Margo Knesz and everyone at RCA Records, Ray Anderson, Jesse Barrish, Billy Bass, Augie Blume, Nancy Blume, Joe Buchwald, China, Bill Coblentz, Irv Cox, Howard Danchik, Ron Dong, Pat Dugan, David Farey, Walt Fleischer, Les Garland, Bob Gordon, Bobbye Hall, Jamie Howell & Matthew, Ron Hummel, Jeanette & Dylan, Jessica, Judy & Tyrone, Mike Klenfer, Hal Lazareff, Tony May, Bill McCabe, Lucy McCabe, Bob McClay, Tom McKay, Scott Muni, Tom Ross, Myron Roth, Roger Ressmeyer, John Rosica, Bob Satin, Shelly Schultz, Steven Schuster, Dave Sholin, Bonnie Simmons, Herb Spar, Carol Strauss, Leslie Weiner, Bob Zimmerman, Filmways/Heider, San Francisco, & Staff.

Special thanks: George Moscone and Harvey Milk.
Production Coordinator Pat Ieraci (Maurice).

Runouts are mainly etched, KENDUN-A (B), I, and last letter or letter with # stamped.
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